We checked luxafor.dk for risks

We think the website is likely to be legitimate
Explanation - what are we checking?
Warning: This result is based on old data. The page may no longer be available.

We checked the following sources

The site is not certified

Websites with the e-mærket are certified, read more here.


No Suspicious Activities found


No Suspicious Activities found


NO malware reported

Checking for reports of malware.


NO indications found

Checks for fraud and malicious content.


NO content blocked

Check here whether there is blocked content, e.g. malicious or offensive content.


Not reported for phishing

Checks whether fraud has previously been reported on the website.


Very high trust score

Here, e.g. is checked. for malware, information about the age of the domain, the owner behind it, web traffic and whether there are valid certificates.


SSL Certificate valid

Checks for valid SSL certificate, ensuring that all data passing between the web server and the browser remains private.

More information

September 7, 2016

If this is your website and one of the sources lists you as dubious, please contact the source directly by clicking on the name of the source to resolve the issue.

We do our best to give you an accurate result, but nobody is perfect. Always use your own common sense if you visit a website. If we've made a mistake or can improve, please let us know. The information in this service is for general information purposes and we are not responsible for any damages or other negative consequences arising from it.

For our full disclaimer, click here.

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